Jane Keaveney was born 27 Jun 1879 in Jersey City, NJ. Her father Thomas was 37 and her mother, Bridget Crimmins Keaveney was 33. She was baptized in St. Michael's Church on 13 Jul 1879, also in Jersey City. Unfortunately, less than a year later, Jane died of bronchitis in Jersey City on 24 Feb 1880. She lived in Jersey City for her entire life of 243 days.
A couple of weeks ago, I was looking through my family tree and I noticed that there was a shaky leaf next to Jane's name in the tree. I knew that she died very young and wondered what this hint could be. I clicked on the hint and found a that it was from Find A Grave. When I opened it, I saw that she is buried in St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery in Jersey City. Now I know that her mother, father, and several siblings are buried in Holy Name Cemetery in Jersey City. But I don't recall seeing anyone else in my tree being buried in St. Peters.
When I opened the memorial, there is a short bio (basically my first paragraph), it then goes on to say that there is no headstone and the plot is owned by Timothy Crimmins. I know, from all of my research that Jane’s mother’s maiden name is Crimmins. So it makes sense that Timothy is part of her mother, Bridget’s family (about whom, I know very little).
While on this page, you can see family members with memorials on Find A Grave. Then I checked Timothy Crimmins, the owner of the plot. This informs that he was buried in the same plot: 53 South D at St. Peter’s. On his page is a link to more Crimmins memorials in St Peter’s cemetery. When you go,to that link you get a list of 18 people with the last name Crimmins who are buried at St.Peter’s, and 14 of them are in the same plot as Jane Keaveney.
So, thanks to Jane Keaveney (who only lived for 243 days) I now have a whole lot of people to research and determine who they were and how we are related. This should keep me busy for awhile.